About Barb
Barb holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology, which she used as a missionary in a hospital laboratory in Liberia before marrying her husband of 30 years, Iain. Iain and Barb have 6 children, and have lived in Africa, England, Mississippi, California and Pennsylvania where Barb has served alongside Iain as he worked as a seminary professor, college professor, and church planter. Barb has provided leadership in children's and women's ministries for over 25 years, including leading studies of The Letters of John Newton. From this material, Barb was inspired (and forced!) to write Extravagant Grace: God's Glory Displayed in our Weakness. In recent years, Barb began writing liturgy for her church, out of which was born Prone to Wander: Prayers of Confession and Celebration. Barb also holds an advanced counseling certificate from the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). Barb has counseled for many years in her church. Barb and Iain will soon be moving to Glenside, PA, where Iain has been invited to join the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary to teach in the Old Testament department. They will also be a planting an Associate Reformed Presbyterian (ARP) church with their two oldest sons.
Back: Jamie, Rob, Sam, Barb, and Iain
Front: Wayne, Peggy (Sam's wife), Rosie, and Hannah